Puppy & Veteran Show 2019

Puppy & Veteran Show 19.10.2019

Ratsastuskeskus Aino, Järvenpää


Tuomarit / Judges:

Urokset / Dogs: Annaliisa Harjukari, kennel Loresho
Nartut / Bitches: Satu Peräkylä, kennel Valpisa's

Kuvat / Photos: Karola Kahrila

BOB-puppy: Strongline's Rock The Boat (right) & BOS-puppy: Tiny Temptresses Feel The Rhythm  (left)

BOB-Veteran: Qubbling's Anastacia (right) & BOS-Veteran: Countrylove's Wizard Of Oz (left)

BEST BRACE:  Strongline's Kept Secret & Black Bet's Queen






Luokka / Class 1: xx-xxLuokka / Class 1: xx-xx


1. Tawastway’s Puss In Boots
(Legend Of Shadows The Flying Dutchman – Follies Raindrop)

2. Mirilkan Never Know Where The Devil
(Mementos Kennedy – Adventurer’s Oreos To Begin With)

3. Claudius Emperor Of Bohemia Bras
(Greis Merilen Prometheus Rebellious – Empress Messalina Of Bohemia Bras)

4. Strongline’s Under Control
(Jenzkun Popkuningas – Kinrian One Most Haunted)

5. Siniharjun Don’t Stop Me Now
(Mouldhill’s Too Hot To Handle – Do Day’s Nicelle)

1. Tawastway’s Purrfect Mix
(Legend Of Shadows The Flying Dutchman – Follies Raindrop)

2. Mirilkan Niflheims Is Dronning
(Mementos Kennedy – Adventurer’s Oreos To Begin With)

3. Brookhill’s Verbena
(Strongline’s Down-To-Earth – Brookhill’s Iron Lady)

4. Mirilkan Nothing To Say She Is Perfect
(Mementos Kennedy – Adventurer’s Oreos To Begin With)

5. Strongline’s Use Your Imagination
(Jenzkun Popkuningas – Kinrian One Most Haunted)


Luokka / Class 2: xx-xxLuokka / Class 2: xx-xx

1. Mocnys Rockin’ With Enzio
(Zinfndel Lenghley Big Papi – Mocnys Incredibly Zany)

2. Brookhill’s Uncle Sam
(Brookhill’s Iron Man – Brookhill’s Kiss Of Fire)

3. Strongline’s Try To Tackle Me
(Dickendall Buckstone Three Dog Night – Strongline’s Easy As Pie)

4. Jarlein Pinocchio
(Mallorn’s Son Of A Gangsta – Jarlein Garden Queen)

5. Yaborina Dobby
(A Sense Of Pleasure’s No Risk No Fun – Bowmore’s Penelope)

1. Strongline’s See Me Sparkle
(Strongline’s Rosco – Strongline’s Kissy)

2. Mallorn’s Red Dress
(Rainriver Prestige – Mallorn’s Red Carpet)

3. Asterblix Bonnie
(Nipntuck Get In Line – Asterblix Artemis)

4. Ricy’s Electricity Flow
(Strongline’s April Fool – Strongline’s Zoap Bubble)

5. Brookhill’s Unforgettable
(Brookhill’s Iron Man – Brookhill’s Kiss Of Fire)


Luokka / Class 3: xx-xxLuokka / Class 3: xx-xx


1. BIS- I puppy 
Strongline’s Rock The Boat
(Shalimar’s The Animator – Strongline’s Versace)

2. Sorolla’s Believe In Miracle Of Winter
(Waterline’s Dashing Dion – Mouldhill’s Silent Kiss)

3. October’s Valentines Catastrophe
(Nipntuck Blame It On Fame – October’s Nauru)

4. Tiny Temptresses Slow Glowing Dream
(Nipntuck Blame It On Fame – Tiny Temptresses Mystique)

5. Mergus Kentucky Rain
(Mouldhill’s Too Hot To Handle – Mergus Ginger Wine)

1. BIS- II puppy
Tiny Temptresses Feel The Rhyth

(Nipntuck Blame It On Fame – Tiny Temptresses Mystique)

2. Sorolla’s Beautiful Snow Kiss
(Waterline’s Dashing Dion – Mouldhill’s Silent Kiss)

3. Temames Queen Of The Dark Forest
(Nipntuck Blame It On Fame – Minaros Hulda)

4. Pebaron Ikkunaprinsessa
(Pebaron Go West – Pebaron Emmanuelle)

5. Adventurer’s I Think I Thought I Saw Youcry
(Galahad Bella Mare – Mallorn’s Dancing With Stars)


Luokka / Class 4: xx-xxLuokka / Class 4: xx-xx


1. Powerful Pentti Vom Soppestig
(Greenstone’s Journey To My Heart – Black Pearls Of Mainhatten Zulu Lulu)

1. Heathway Moon River
(Sandyland’s Over The Moon To Ludalor – Heathway Caienna)

2. Aprilmist Seventh Heaven
(Mocnys Soundless Echo – Okrados Grandparent’s Pride)


Luokka / Class 5: xx-xxLuokka / Class 5: xx-xx


1. Kinrian Purple Heart
(Follies Don Basilio – Strongline’s Prada)



Luokka / Class 6: veteraanit / veterans 7-10 vuotta / years Luokka / Class 6: veteraanit / veterans 7-10 vuotta / years


1. BIS II-veteran 
Countrylove’s Wizard Of Oz
(Heybern’s Rhumba Jumps – Countrylove’s Piece Of Cake)

2. Adventurer’s No Man’s An Island
(Adventurer’s Second To None – Hyspire Jessica At Adventures)

3. Strongline’s Kept Secret
(Strongline’s District – Strongline’s Cookie)

4. Upward’s Taste Of Fame
(Devonshires London Edition – Upward’s Prima Donna)

1. BIS-I veteran
 Qubbling’s Anastacia

(Odorosas Bon Voyage – Mouldhill’s Free Fi Fo)

2. Mocnys Incredibly Zany
(Sennas Rugo Of The Work Fellows – Mysis Usvainen Meri)

3. October’s Greenpeace
(Mementos Wagner – Strongline’s Quickypiggy)

4. Soldalens Angel Sleep
(Lucky My Angel Touch – Rosanan Amorosa)

5. Follies Romeo’s Juliet
(Mouldhill’s Gleam Of Glory – Follies Michigan)



Luokka / Class 7: veteraanit / veterans +10 vuotta / years Luokka / Class 7: veteraanit / veterans +10 vuotta / years


1. Mouldhill’s Gleam Of Glory
(Lab Treasure’s Dario – Strongline’s Kiss Kiss)

2. Rantakankaan Jesse James
(Lintuvuoren Rymy – Rantakankaan Eloveena)

3. Tsarodej Marcello
(Saskian Akela – Tsarodej Marsella)

4. Wetten O’ Caffe
(Fogel Hlara Valleyfield Montargue – Snackbar’s Baci)

1. Black Bet’s Queen
(Strongline’s District – Black Bet’s Kleopatra)


Paras pari / Best brace

1. Strongline's Kept Secret ja Black Bet's Queen


Senior Handler

1. Annica Svenblad